
The more that you read, the more that you will know. The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Authors note:
This is one of the first time I have wrote about my strong beliefs in religions. This essay is not made to offend people so I hope you enjoy and look for my use of voice.

Merry Christmas! What so wrong with that.  Why do people have to say Happy Holidays now? People  believe that saying Merry Christmas is wrong because they  don't  fallow Christ, then why don't they think of it like this, if I say merry Christmas to you  I'm just saying I hope your Christmas is good. After all Christmas is the name of the holiday.
In a businesses they are required to say happy holidays unless someone says merry Christmas first.
What do people call a Christmas tree if you don’t believe in Christ, you call it a holiday tree. But if people don't believe in Kwanzaa why isn't the  symbol of the holiday, the Manorah called a holiday candle. I think people should  respect each others religion.

The Cup To Your Cake

Authors note:
Sometimes I feel like my weightings are to short, like I'm slaking of but really why make it longer than it needs to be. Short and sweet.

We all need a best friend, someone to turn to that you know can help you. There you peanut to your butter, they are your cup to your cake they are your solid ground. I'm not talking about just a friend I'm talking about you mom, or maybe for you it your dad. But either way they are always there. Speaking of always there, your always going to have that pesky little brother, or annoying big sister. You don't have to be their best friend, but you got to love them.  They are your family, If you did try to get rid of them who would drive you and your friends to the mall? I guess that really doesn’t matter because the real reason is because your family, you can't live with them, but you most defiantly can't live without them.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Eat your Veggies Mr.Belly

Authors note:
This is one of the first times i have written a poem out of my own doing not by a teacher telling me to, also i will tell you this right now, this poem is very silly.

There once was a boy named Belly,
His mom told him to eat his veggies,
And so he told his mom there all gross inside,
And no veggies went into his belly.

Then the next day he was weak,
He asked his mom what to eat,
Then at that time his mom started to rhyme
 and before long the song got him eating his veggies.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Reality Check

Authors note: I felt like this when I was a kid with so many questions and ideas and maybe you will relate to it just like I did.

When you were a kid probably you said "I'm going to be a astronaut when I grow up" or maybe for you it was a superhero, but you probably never said I'm going to be a teacher, salesman, or even a counter clerk. Reality is you’re never going to be a superhero , but there is a slim chance that you will become a astronaut. Still when you’re a kid, first you want to be a astronaut then the next day you hear of a vet and you want to be a vet the you learn this job and that job and every time you learn a new job that’s what you want to be. It is not until middle school and high school until you really know what you want to be when you grow up.

Monday, December 5, 2011

All Dreans Far and Wide

Authors note:

I really wanted to write about fashion, but since my writing circle group chose dreams I had to compromise, so since you can write about anything dealing with dreams, I could still write about fashion.

We all have dreams, some are bigger than others. I'm sure my friends dream to become a fashionista is bound to come true, she is the type of girl who comes to school wearing something cute and everyone clings onto the fashion. She always tells me how one day she is going to be designing clothes for the runway, for millions of people to see.

When you were a kid you probably dreamed about someday putting your little feet on the moon. Now to most people that is just unreasonable, because only very few people actually get to put their feet on moon. Some dreams just seem impossible, but the truth is if you really put your heart and mind into it you can accomplish anything. And I have a feeling my friend is going far to fulfill her dreams of designing fashion for the runway.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Embarasing Parents

Authors note: I was working really hard to self edit and peer edit this essay. Please look for my use of foreshadowing, and my a-b transition.

It was a cloudy day, I never liked those days, they always lead to embarrassment. My mom drove me to Brookfield Mall, and as we were walking from store to store my mom sees this kid I like from school and yells, “Hey, there’s that cute boy you like, um, what’s his name, oh Xavier”. My face turned red like a ripe tomato! Lesson learned, don’t ever go to the mall with your mom, go to the mall with your friends! In the book Dream of Night the parents of Shiloh learn that Shiloh really doesn’t want to be seen with them, no matter how hard they try.

 In the book when Shiloh was a young girl she was taken from her parents and from there on in her life she has resisted her foster parents just like teenage kids do to their parents. Although the situations are very different, the resistant kid always comes back to their parents for guidance, or in a time of need. Shiloh’s situation is dreadful but she just makes it worse by resisting the loving parents who try to take her in.

Nevertheless, Shiloh still finds something to make her happy in what she considers to be a dump of a place. When I read this book, it reminded me of a movie I saw just the other day, called “Free Willy.” The main character of this story is Willy, a big, old, stubborn whale that is at a carnival, but not performing. No trainer can get the whale to do tricks, not even a pro trainer, but this kid Jessie who is 12 comes along and starts training the whale. It’s like Jessie has some special training power.  Jessie is just like Shiloh; both had foster parents at a young age, were taken into lovely homes, resisted the parents and fell in love with an animal that had harshness in their hearts until the kids came along.

Why would a teen age girl go to the mall with her mom instead of her friends? The fact of the matter is, she wouldn’t. Sometime kids don’t even realize how much we truly need our parents, until we really need them the most.



Monday, October 24, 2011

Are you Really Proud of Your Country

Authors note:
I had a really hard time with this topic. i had a hard time figuring out what to write about but I got some ideas about what to write about. The conclusion was also difficult.

 More than 60% of the world’s countries have freedom. It is disappointing to think that countries can’t come together and have freedom. Other countries look at the U.S.A and wonder what it would be like to have freedom, but we have never had to experience that feeling because we are a free proud country.

If I think about everything that makes our country free, there is a part that I am not proud of. That is the fact that there are people away from their families fighting to keep our country free but yet a person won’t take five minutes out of their day to vote. You hear people complain all over the place about their countries political leaders when the person that is complaining might not even have voted. You can’t complain about something unless you’re going to try to do something about it.

What does the pledge allegiance really mean? We say the pledge every day at school but how many of the kids that say the pledge know what it actually means. Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance means that a person will be supportive and faithful to the United States of America. This stands for liberty and justice for all. Schools around the world should do more research about the history of the pledge of allegiance. How many people know that the original form of the pledge was, "I pledge allegiance to my Flag and the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." Also in 1923 the words "the Flag of the United States of America" were added. Making it read "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." In 1954, in response to the Communist threat of the times, President Eisenhower encouraged Congress to add the words "under God," creating the pledge we say today. Today it reads, "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Everyone should be proud of this country and make good choices for there are people away from their families fighting for your freedom. We should take advantage of the freedom we have because not all countries have that freedom.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Rollercoasters Around the World.

Authors note: I felt the need do wright about the Takabisha because not many people have heard of this roller coaster because it is in Japan.

 If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? Some people might go to America for the freedom, may be Switzerland for chocolate, or Paris for the Eiffel tower, while others would go to Japan to ride the Takabisha. The Takabisha is the best roller coaster in the world

Imagine falling 90 degrees downward on the ride v2 in Gurnee Illinois. Now imagine falling 112 degrees down the Takabisha, at that degree you would be scared like a waffle jumping out of a toaster while he is going on the roller coaster. If you are a rollercoaster fear demined you would probably go to ride the Takibisha. It’s weird because you would probably think based on gravity that you would go faster when you’re going down at a grater degree, but that’s where you’re wrong. The Takibisha goes a total of 62 mile per hour, but V2 goes up to 65 miles per hour so it’s a split, do you go on the taller slower rollercoaster, or the faster shorter one. The difference of speed is two miles per hour so the Takibisha is definitely the better rollercoaster.

While the height makes a vast difference it’s the coarse that really make me truly believe which is the better rollercoaster. You could gets go up and down the “shape of a u,” Or you could go through a series of twists and turns, spirals and every which way you can think of. Therefore why go up and down when you could ride the Takabisha.

If you go all around the entire world the finest rollercoaster you will find is the Takabisha. Once every American rides the Takabisha they will truly know the better rollercoaster.