
The more that you read, the more that you will know. The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.


creative writing

Art and Beyond

"A painting that is well composed is half finished"

Authors note:
This reflection on this quote is short and sweet. Please watch out for my use of extravagant vocabulary words.

I love the meaning of this quote because of the message. Even though the quote itself is really brief the meaning really goes a long way.  This piece shows that no matter how many times you fix or check or mend anything you can never be completely finished.

I know that this particular piece has to do with art but the significance in this quote goes so much farther beyond just art. This deals with anything in life. 

We Bought a zoo

 Authors note:
when you were a kid and you went to the zoo did you ever want a cretin animal as a pet? For this not normal family they can have any pet they want, right in their own backyard.

 When I saw the movie  ''We Bought A Zoo" my mom kind of forced me to go, but this movie was so inspirational and adorable, it almost made me cry.  The one thing I still cant believe to this day is that this is a true story.  Who actually goes out and buys a run down zoo? No matter a real story or not, it still has a great story line, and it's funny.

This movie is rated PG, but I question that because there is some mild swearing in it but the big thing is part way through the movie they mention that the Easter bunny  isn't real. For that sake of all young ears who believe in the Easter bunny I don’t think that type of content should be in a PG movie. So if you’re a parent take that into concentration when deciding what movie to see. If you don't have any young ears around this is a great movie, but it's a little bit of a chick flick. It doesn't matter if your looking for a romantic move or may be a funny film because this inspirational movie will sweep you off your feet either way.



Authors note:
I wanted to do this as a response to a picture, so i searched  nature and found this gorgeous picture of fish. Look out for my use of adjectives.

I feel the cold water on me as I dive in, seeing all the colors of fish, as they  whizz past my face. I was so excited my heart was beating like a firework exploding on the fourth of July. For once in my life I felt like the entire world stopped going around.  I had no more worries,work and no more debts, just me and my family, and the fish.
It’s a weird feeling you get when you’re standing on the boat in your diving gear waiting to jump in. You’re nervous to go in, but in a completely different way you’re excited. As soon as that peculiar feeling you get from the temperature of the water hits your skin, you know you’re in for the time of your life.

 Board of Life

  Authors note: It sounds odd because this is about a different point of view of what your favorite thing for Christmas is, and I’m writing about socks, sounds weird, but you’ll see what I mean.

            It’s very humid after being in a dark, hot, sweaty place for a while. Even before that, I’m getting slid on a huge pale foot. Then into the shoe I go. I spend my days on feet, usually I’m all sweaty from being in a shoe. Even before I can be put on a foot I have to be made, and let me tell you that is a painful process. First, I start as a billion different strings. After being woven together I am poked with a big, pointy, metal thing. Then after being folded, bent, and flipped, I end up as a black sock with red striped going down the back.

Twenty minutes later, I am into a box where it is dark. I am also surrounded by a whole bunch of white peanuts. After getting motion sickness a couple times I end up on a shelf, then down in a bag,  and finally on someone’s feet. 

It’s the same thing every day, over and over again. I’m getting all sweaty as I’m seen going up and down the basketball court. Sometimes I just want my life to end, but everyone has to do something in their life they don’t want to , and this is mine.

Challenges for years to come

Authors note:
This is topic is scary if you really think about it but it can also be very cute because you know you would be so small.

What would you do if you were 2 inches tall. Unless the entire world was two inches tall, I'm pretty sure you would either be dead or be to small to be like a human. I know Dr.Seuss always said in Horton Hears A Who “a person is a person no matter how small.” If you know someone who was two inches tall they would still be classified as a human, could you really hang out or go shopping together? Physically, yes, they would still be a person ,but theoretically, no, I would not have this person as my best friend. Plus, If you were talking to this two inch person, and someone random walked by they would be like, “what the heck, are you ok?”