
The more that you read, the more that you will know. The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.


Friday, April 26, 2013

A Well Lighted Place

Authors Note:
This is two short responses to the story a well lighted place. The first response talked about the old waiter and the young waiter and what they represent and what the cafe represents and the second one is in response to how the movie is different from the story.

First Response:
The old waiter represents tradition and respect for the older more lonely people where the young waiter is a eager person that just wants to get out into the world and do something but doesn’t know the heritage in which the world comes from. I cafĂ© is a place where the old man comes because he is lonely so he doesn't want to go home and face the loneliness and darkness of laying on a bed in a quiet dark room.

Second Response:
The movie was very different than i imagined it. Even thought it was obvious that the cafe was going to be a clean well lighted place based of its name I was still picturing it being a dark and airy cafe.  I think I thought this because In the beginning they said he was sitting with a shadow from the leaves on his face and shadows are dark so that put a dark looking scene into my head right away. Another thing that surprised me was the way the cafe looked, I was expecting more of a modern looking cafe with clean lines in the design of the building, I also thought the building would of had large windows to look through because they said they saw the solider and the women walk by so I was assuming they were looking out of a large window.
Some thing that added the affect of everyone there other than the young waitress being lonely is the music and the lighting. The music in the beginning was sad and depressing and just a little bit off key so that put a sad thought in your mind right away. Also it is night time so it is dark outside and they show the outside of the building and it is the only building they show that is open but it looks a little run down on the outside. If they would have started this scene in the day time and they were playing a song by Katty Perry or The Wanted it would have set a very different mood. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Flipped Upside Down

Authors Note: 
This is an essay talking about the difficulty astronauts have living in a micro-gravity environment for long periods of time. Please notice my use secondary sources noted at the bottom. 

Imagine the world is floating, every task you try to do your weightless, your whole world is literally turned around. This is what it is like for people living on the international space station also known as the ISS. Everyday tasks become a challenge like eating, brushing your teeth, working out, and even going to the bathroom because they all require special equipment and skills.

The ISS is an important feature to the exploration to the atmosphere around us.  On the ISS they can find ways to predict weather more effectively, see where to clean up pollution and oil spills, and find lots of ways to improve our life on Earth. (The Space Operation Learning Center)In total, more than 400 scientific experiments in fields such as biology, human physiology, and physical and materials science,  have been conducted on or in the space station over the last decade. (Is the International Space Station Worth $100 Billion?) They also use this facility to see how peoples body’s adapt to living in a microgravity for long periods of time.

Now getting to how people live on the ISS, when they wake up the first thing they do is get up and go to the bathroom and brush their teeth, seams simple but it’s really not. To brush your teeth on the ISS, you first take a sip from a bag with a straw but don’t swallow,  then grab your tooth brush and your tooth paste and you brush, when it’s time to spit you have to do it differently. If you spit into a sink your spit would just float everywhere in the air so instead you spit into a  Kleenex then throw the Kleenex away. (The Atlantic, How to brush your teath on the international space station). Since there is no gravity to either hold a toilet bowl full of water in place or pull a humans waste down, the toilets are much different in space. Although it is designed to be as much as possible like those on Earth, there are a number of changes. Straps are there to hold feet against the floor, and pivoting bars swing across the thighs ensuring the user remains seated. There is a hose, which can be used in a standing position or can be used sitting (Space/Astronomy).

Although getting up, brushing your teeth, and going to the bathroom are all a key point in life you need food to survive! On the ISS there isn’t a refrigerator and since you’re in space for a long time the food you eat can’t perish you have to eat a special kind of food. The food they eat is like the food you would take camping for a long time. It has to be something that can cook by just adding moisture. According to Irene Klotz of the Discovery Channel website, some of astronauts favorite foods include Japanese takeout, Sweetish meatballs, yogurt, chicken  soup, tortillas, shrimp, hot sauce, M&Ms, dried produce, and mystery meals. If you want salt or pepper on any of those meals you can but they are only available in a liquid form. This is because astronauts can't sprinkle salt and pepper on their food in space, the salt and pepper would simply float away and that causes a danger that they could clog air vents, contaminate equipment or get stuck in an astronaut's eyes, mouth or nose (The Space Operation Learning Center).

There are many reasons why you must work out in space. Since astronauts are in orbit around the earth they don’t feel the effects of gravity there for they don’t have to use their muscles as much doing normal everyday things (Rothstein). Because of that they have to work out with special equipment to prevent muscle atrophy, a condition astronauts experience after long periods of inactivity (The Space Operation Learning Center). Muscle atrophy is a decrease in the mass of the muscle; it can be a partial or complete wasting away of muscle (Merrian-Webster).  So because of that astronauts exercise two hours per day. Lifting 200 pounds on Earth may be a lot of work, but in space it is easy, the 200 pounds appear to weigh nothing. Therefore, exercise equipment needs to be specially designed for use in space so astronauts will receive the workout needed.

One way they prevent muscle atrophy is by using a piece of specialized equipment call an Advanced Resistive Exercise Device or aRED for short. This device acts like a weight machine but it doesn't use weights at all, instead it has a system of vacuum cylinders; canisters with air that have had a vacuum suction that provide  up to 600 pounds of weight (Landau). When you’re using this device it is kind of like a bicycle pump only in reverse. So if you squat the vacuum compresses and then when you stand back up the vacuum sucks air into it and as a result puts strain on you as you try to stand back up making it a effective workout (Landau).

Every kid in the world had a dream occupation they wanted to be weather it was a fireman, a police man, or a doctor but in 2013 it was reported that astronaut was the second highest ranked dream job of kids across the world (Share Ranks). For all the kids and adults out there that want to be an astronaut just remember that you could live on the ISS and help the development of space exploration.


Is the International Space Station Worth $100 Billion? (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Space.com: http://www.space.com/9435-international-space-station-worth-100-billion.html

Landau, E. (n.d.). CNN health. Retrieved April 18, 2013, from www.cnn.com: http://www.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/diet.fitness/11/18/exercise.in.space/index.html?_s=PM:HEALTH

Merrian-Webster. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from http://www.merriam-

Rothstein, D. (n.d.). Curious About Astronomy. Retrieved April 19, 2013, from curious.astro.cornell.udu: http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/question.php?number=367

Share Ranks. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Most Popular Careers Children Want when they Grow Up: http://shareranks.com/4780,Most-Popular-Careers-Children-Want-when-they-Grow-Up#b

Space/Astronomy. (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2013, from Potty Training - How To Go To The Bathroom In Space: http://space.about.com/cs/spaceshuttles/a/bathroominspace.htm

The Atlantic. (How to brush your teath on the international space station). Retrieved March 26, 2013, from http://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2012/09/how-to-brush-your-teeth-on-the-international-space-station/262046/

The Space Operation Learning Center. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2013, from What does the ISS do: http://solc.gsfc.nasa.gov/kids3/kids3_what_does.html

African-American Identity

Authors note:
Below is the poem Aunt Sue's Stories by Langston Hughes. In my short response I analyze how the way he was raised affected the style and topic Hughes chose to write about.

Aunt Sue's Stories

Aunt Sue has a head full of stories.
Aunt Sue has a whole heart full of stories.
Summer nights on the front porch
Aunt Sue cuddles a brown-faced child in her bosom
And tells him stories.

Black slaves
Working in the hot sun,
And black slaves
Walking in the dewy night,
And black slaves
Singing sorrow songs on the banks of a mighty river
Mingle themselves softly
In the flow of Aunt Sue’s voice,
Mingle themselves softly
In the dark shadows that cross and recross
Aunt Sue’s stories.

And the dark-faced child, listening,
Knows that Aunt Sue’s stories are real stories.
He knows that Aunt Sue never got her stories
Out of any book at all,
But they came
Right out of her own life.

The dark-faced child is quiet
Of a summer night
Listening to Aunt Sue’s stories. 

All throughout his life Langston Hughes had a passion to write about the beauty of African -American identity. When his dad left him while he was trying to find work and his mom worked various low paying jobs all around, he was raised by his maternal grandmother in Lawrence Kansas. Hughes remembers as a child sitting in his grandmothers lap as she told him long beautiful stories about the people who set the Negros free. Hughes grandmother never told stories out of a book witch makes me wonder if I the line, Beat out of blood with words sad sung,  from the poem "Afro-American Fragment" is a reflection of what his grandmother stories talked about or what kind of feeling they portrayed.

There are two main reasons that I believe Hughes was so interested in writing about the beauty of African-American people. One way is The way his grandmother told beautiful stories of the brave people who set the Negros free was the driving reason Hughes wanted to write about this. In her stories everyone always moved ahead heroically towards an end. Nobody ever cried in his grandmothers stories, they just worked, schemed or fought, but no crying. The second reason is after high school Hughes went and work with his father for a long painful year in Mexico where they clashed about a major issue, his father hated Negros. Since Hughes didn't know his father very well and he was raised with a clear image of all Negro being strong and brave people; and the fact that Hughes father hated Negros inspired Hughes more. When his father said this to him it inspired him even more to go on to write great poem, and plays about strong beautiful African american men and women.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Crystal Stair

"Mother to Son" 
By: Langston Hughes

Life for me ain't been no crystal stair.
It's had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor --
But all the time
I'se been a-climbin' on,
And reachin' landin's,
And turnin' corners,
And sometimes goin' in the dark
Where there ain't been no light.
So boy, don't you turn back.
Don't you set down on the steps
'Cause you finds it's kinder hard.
Don't you fall now --
For I'se still goin', honey,
I'se still climbin',
And life for me ain't been no crystal stair.

Authors note:
In this short response I analyze what the crystal stairs are representing in the poem “Mother to Son” and how the poem changes at a time in the story when the mother says a certain phrase.  

In this poem called “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes the crystal stairs represents a good life, a walk in the park with no obstacles to get around. The mother in this poem is telling her son about how life isn't going to be easy, there are going to be bumps in the road. The crystal stairs are smooth and obstacle free but the stairs of her and many other people were bumpy and had splinters as the mother said in the poem. When the mother said “I'se been a-climbin' on, and reachin' landin's, and turnin' corners”  that was the turning point of the poem where she turns into an inspiring speaker trying to motivate her son to keep going in life no matter what happens. 

Im Different And I Don't Care

Authors Note:
This is a piece I wrote about the book Peace, Love & Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle, I talked about the importance of being true to yourself and knowing from the inside out who you are.

Your sitting on a bench in your normal everyday clothes, you’re not wearing high end designer clothes, but your also not wearing old, ripped, or dirty clothing but yet everyone else around you stares at you and judges you for who you are on the outside not even getting to know you first. This is how Anna feels as she tries to get out of the thought of everyone else that If you don't have the hottest boyfriend, the best clothes, or the best body you are considered a weirdo. The book Peace, Love & Baby Ducks by  Lauren Myracle may be very girly but it shows the way you can be true to yourself and still be loved by others.

Wearing a dahiki to school is the definition of social suicide for all Holy Roller students, but this defines Carly, she is different, she doesn’t care what people think about her. She doesn’t want to be like all the other girls who need to have the best hair, perfect nails, designer jeans and shirts, she just wants to be herself. This is important in the world as life goes on because how do you expect to find a true friend who knows all the truth about you if you’re not even being truthful with yourself.

When Carly goes off to help the poor people to get away from the perfect image all Holy Roller kids have, her younger sister Anna starts to grow up. Anna starts to care more and more about how she looks, who her boyfriend is or how many friends she has on Facebook, she is becoming like all the other Holy Roller students and this is exactly a 360 degree change from the person that Carly doesn’t want to be. Carly really does not want to be like the rest of them that all they see in people is how popular they are, or what their status is.

Learning to express who you really are is a major point in Laurn Myracle book Peace, Love &   Baby Ducks. If someone told you that you could be a rock-star and that all you had to do is change everything that you are and everything that you believe in, would you do it? If you did change would you feel comfortable knowing that the person that the world sees and loves is really a fake. Maybe not quite to this extreme of changing who you are but when you act different around people to get there acceptance your really just cheating yourself from the potential of having a true relationships with people.Do