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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Compare and contrast

 Contrast- hunger games
 contrast- us
 - they have their children die because the government says so.
 - government control
- government doesn't want our children to die 
 - in everyday life everyone in the village struggles to get food
 - poverty
 - most people in america are comfortable with their food situation
 - the games (war) is shown on live television
 - get training before they go to war/the games
 - the war (games) is not put on live television
 - before they go to games (war) they get a makeover and get awarded for their sacrifice

 - no one except people close to them know what great thing they are doing for the country
 - If you survived the games (war) you got great praise

 - I you survived the war  ( games) no one really knows unless you are close to them

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