
The more that you read, the more that you will know. The more that you learn,the more places you'll go.


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Trojan Horse

Authors note :
This is two short paragraphs I wrote to answer these questions about the story The Trojan Horse adapted from book II of The Aeneid by Virgil. What was the conflict? How did the conflict get resolved? What was so sneaky about the whole thing? Could something like this happen now a days?Could something like this happen at a small school or business? Have you seen something like this tactic used in a novel/tv show/real life?

The conflict is the war  witch has been going on for 10 years. It gets resolved when the Greeks ruler Odysseus planed a sneak attack involving a huge wooden horse and a bunch of soldiers inside. At first the horse being there was suspicious but then they sent the boy in to convince the Troys that the horse was good and that if they didn't take it into their walls the gods would punish them.

I don't think that this could happen in a war now a days because the technology is way better and after 9/11 they are even more careful. They have thermal cameras that would look into the object that the solider were hiding in and see there was heat or movement inside. I don't think this could happen in a school or small building in the form of like hiding in something and come charging out as an attack but i do think that there could  be a sneak attack in the middle of the night to T.P another school for homecoming or something like that. I dont think i have seen this tactic used on T.V

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